Webhooks causing downtime and worry

Enterprise-first webhooks infrastructure

A secure, reliable, and scalable webhook platform for mission-focused engineering teams.

How important are webhooks for your customers?

Do your customers complain if they didn't receive webhooks?

If the success metrics of your product's adoption are dependent on your customers receiving webhooks correctly, below are the things which are essential to implement especially when dealing with unrealiable webhook endpoints.

Reliability, Monitoring and Alerts

Customer endpoints often fail resulting in breakdown of communication. You need multiple automatic retries, implement circuit breaker, isolate failing endpoints, give you complete logs of the responses received in each try, allow you to setup alerts using custom rules, and many more.


Receivers need to verify the payload isn't modified and coming from the verified static IP address to protect from SSRF, unauthenticated events and replay attacks.

Rate Limiting

During spikes, the receivers' servers may be overwhelmed and would start rejecting incoming requests but many webhook providers do not smooth out the traffic which leads to data loss.

Proximity to Customers

Webhooks need to deliver information with very low latencies and thus need to be closer to the receivers' servers

Manual Retries

For failed deployments, there needs to be a mechanism to replay all the failed events to recover the data loss


Providers need to be cognizant to not send duplicate webhooks to avoid inconsistent state for receiver.

Many many more

Audits, fine-grained permissions, event types and verification, scalability, fault tolerance are more things we handle for you.

Send requests

Simple APIs to send request with no complicated auth tokens


Frequently Asked Questions

What are webhooks? Webhooks are essentially user-defined HTTP callbacks (or "reverse APIs") that are triggered by specific events. Whenever that event occurs, the source makes an HTTP request to the URL configured for the webhook. Users can configure them to cause events on one system to invoke behavior on another.
Why are webhooks needed? Webhooks are needed for efficiency (Polling, or continually checking a server for updates, can be inefficient, especially when updates are infrequent), real-time updates, integration, customization and scalability.
Why use webhooks as a service? Spend your precious engineering time on solving problems unique to your customers. Leverage Nirah for ensuring that the webook infrastructure is reliable, secure and scalable.
Are your webhooks secure? Security is the most important thing we focus on which is why we follow industry best practices and encrypt all data both in transit and at rest.
Can you handle our scale? Yes in most cases, but please reach out to us in case you have specific questions or requirements.
Do you offer SLAs? We offer 99.99% uptime for professional and business tier.

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